The Family History Box Contents
Preserve your treasured family history documents and
artifacts safely - turning them into priceless heirlooms for
generations to come.
What is included in the
Family History Box Pack?

This pack contains 5 Acid Free * Storage Boxes and
much more.
- Outer box, 450x325x90mm
Fits A3-size papers. You could store
newspapers, a scrapbook or a photo album.
- Flip-top box, 315x220x85mm
A4 size box perfect for family letters,
certificates, invitations, special cards and
- Medium box, 290x205x85mm
For mementoes, keepsakes, cards, tickets
from that special trip, home-shot DVDs and
so on.
- Tall box, 165x125x127mm
The right size for standard photographs,
a pair of baby shoes, tapes and other
easily-mislaid items.
- Little boxes, (2) 60x50x23mm
To prevent small items getting lost and
- Quiz box containing:
- Talk and tell family quiz cards
- Do you know? family quiz cards
- Quiz cards rule sheet
- Archive tissue paper
- Document folder containing:
- Family record and medical history sheets
- Notes & memos sheets
- Diary sheets
- Timeline life review sheets
- Four-generation family tree and family
milestone sheet
- Photo mounts
- Box name cards
- Ribbons

(Collectables not included.)
Click here to buy in our online secure store
* The Family History Box meets international
standards: ISO 9706: 1994 (Paper for Documents –
Requirements for Permanence); ISO 14523: 1999
(Photographic Activity Test for enclosure
materials) or Technical Association of the Pulp
and Paper Industry T509 and T529 (surface pH
measurement of paper).
